
Applied Economics Teaching Resources (AETR) is an online, open access, and peer-reviewed journal. The aim of the journal is to provide an inclusive outlet for research, teaching and Extension education scholarship encompassing but not limited to research articles, case studies, classroom games, commentaries, experiential learning, and pedagogy.  The goal is to support and advance teaching and Extension education within the scholarly areas of agricultural and applied economics, and agribusiness economics and management. AETR seeks to publish articles that are diverse in both scope and authorship. It serves as a platform for addressing and contributing to our understanding of important societal issues, including inequality and discrimination, as well as how shifts in pedagogy (e.g., growing reliance on remote and hybrid learning modalities) may impact accessibility and inclusion.

The journal is online and open access through Agecon Search. All submissions are peer-reviewed and held to the high standards exhibited in the agricultural and applied economics profession. The journal editor is Dr. Jason Bergtold at Kansas State University (aetr.editor@gmail.com) and the journal is published by the American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA).

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Prior to submission of your manuscript, please make sure to read the sumbmission instructions at: https://www.aetrjournal.org/contribute/submission-guidelines.


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